- Research
Research on Gender Statistics
Research aiming at improving the statistics for objectively ascertaining the gender situation and investigating provision of content/data for each field. Compilation of a "Leaflet of Gender Equality Statistics."
- NWEC Gender Statistics Leaflet 2024
- NWEC Gender Statistics Leaflet 2024 Primary source and annotations
- NWEC Gender Statistics of Japan at a Glance 2024
- Gender Statistics Database
Research on Promotion of Active Participation of Female School Teacher
Research analyzing issues of the appointment of female school teacher to management positions and developing training programs for school teachers.
Unconscious Bias Training Program in Universities (video materials)
In 2020 and 2021, NWEC implemented Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment of MEXT (representative institution: Nagoya University, joint implementation institution: Gifu University, NWEC) to develop the Unconscious Bias Training Program in Universities.
Panel Research on Initial Career Paths to Promote Active Participation
An empirical investigation of the problems confronting women when young and in the initial stages of a corporate career.
Research on Education and Learning support using e-Learning
Development/operation of an online course women's career design in collaboration with The Open University.
Research on Gender Equality in Universities, Etc
Research Collaborators
Faculty at universities and other institutions commissioned to conduct research under the “Supporting Positive Activities for Female Researchers” and “Program for Supporting the Research Activities of Female Researchers” programs
Goals and Content
Conduct a study to clarify pertinent issues with a view to promoting support for women researchers at universities and other research institutions, and compile a support manual..The second year of this two-year plan will focus on compiling a guidebook based on the outcome of hearings held with gender equality promotion bodies at national, public and private universities during the first year.
Research on Women’s Center
Research Collaborators
Staff at women’s facilities nationwide
Goals and Content
To enhance and strengthen the functions of women’s facilities, conduct a fact-finding survey of circumstances at women’s facilities and upload pertinent information onto the Women’s Facilities Database.
Research on Gender Statistics
Research Collaborators
Researchers in the fields of women’s studies, gender research and statistics
Goals and Content
Review and update the content of the Data Book of Gender Equality Statistics 2012, collect and analyze data corresponding to new issues, and compile the Data Book of Gender Equality Statistics 2015.
Research on Young Men and Women’s Perceptions of Career Development and Available Support
Research Collaborators
Researchers in the fields of social science and gender studies; specialists in social surveys; individuals involved in school education, etc.
Goals and Content
Conduct research with the aim of finding ways of providing gender-equal career development support from an early stage of life. The first year of this three-year plan will consider a questionnaire for young persons.
Research on Support for Difficulties Facing Non-Japanese Women
Research Collaborators
Researchers, administrative officers, practitioners and NGOs specializing in women’s education, social education, social policy and international cooperation
Goals and Content
Conduct a basic survey of the difficulties facing non-Japanese women and awareness-raising activities to resolve issues therein as the second part of a three-year study on the theme: the current status of difficulties facing non-Japanese women and education and awareness-raising activities to resolve issues therein.
Research on the promotion of men’s participation at home and in the community and development of a relevant program
Research Collaborators
Researchers in the fields of women’s education, family education and social education; concerned administrative officers; concerned parties from groups and organizations, etc.
Goals and Content
As the second year of a two-year research on promoting economic independence through community activities, develop and implement programs targeting women’s facilities, etc. that organize courses to support entrepreneurs and community businesses, and compile a report thereon.
Research on the resolution of community issues and women’s economic independence and development of a relevant program
Research Collaborators
Researchers in the field of women’s education; social education; administrative officers; individuals involved in women’s facilities; groups and organizations, etc.
Goals and Content
As the second year of a two-year research on promoting economic independence through community activities, develop and implement programs targeting women’s facilities, etc. that organize courses to support entrepreneurs and community businesses, and compile a report thereon.
Research on Women's Facilities
Research women's facilities' programs, management systems, etc. to clarify the roles they play in women's empowerment and the formation of a gender-equal society, and evaluate their social impact.
Research Collaborators
Researchers in the fields of women’s education and lifelong learning; staff at women’s facilities, etc
Research on Promotion of Gender Equality for Revitalization of Local Communities
Research policies and measures that will enable both men and women to flourish with the aim of stimulating communities by supporting women’s challenges in local activities such as NPOs and promoting men’s participation in community activities that support raising the next generation.
Research Collaborators
Researchers, administrators and individuals from groups and organizations involved in the fields of women’s education or home education.
First year of a 2-year plan initiated in fiscal 2006
Research on Gender Statistics
Research the content of statistical data on men and women that contributes to the formation of a gender-equal society and methods of provision, etc.
Research Collaborators
Researchers and experts in the fields of women's studies, gender research and statistics
"NWEC Summary Gender Statistics Women and Men in Japan 2018" is now available.
Research on Multifaceted Prevention, Education and Awareness Raising of Trafficking in Persons
Clarify human trafficking situation, and conduct research that will contribute to development of a program that focuses on the kind of preventive measures, education and awareness raising needed to resolve the issue.
Research Collaborators
Researchers and practitioners specializing in fields such as women's education, social education, jurisprudence, information science, social policy, international cooperation.