International Cooperation
- International Cooperation
- NWEC Global Seminar
NWEC Global Seminar
National Women’s Education Center of Japan (NWEC) invites overseas specialists and analyzes issues pertinent to the Asian Pacific Region around themes of a global scale such as women’s human rights and women’s capacity building and training; enhance exchange with researchers, government officials and leaders of women's organizations; and build networks.
- Call for Participants
(Friday 28th Feburuary - Friday 28th March, 2025)
- Event Report
(Thursday 25th January 2024)
- Event Report
(From Friday 14th to Monday 31st October 2022)
- Event Report
(From December 1st, 2021 to December 21st, 2021)
- Event Report
(December 4th, 2020)
- Event Report
(December 6th, 2019)
- Event Report
(December 7th, 2018)
- Event Report
(December 7, 2017)
- Event Report
(December 2, 2016)
- Event Report
(February 12, 2016)
- Event Report
(November 21, 2014)
- Event Report
(October 5, 2013)
- Event Report
(October 27, 2012.)
- Event Report
(October 29, 2011)
- Event Report
(October 9, 2010)
- Event Report
(October 31, 2009)
- Event Report
(December 20 to 21, 2008)
International Cooperation
- International Seminar
- FY2019 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2018 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2017 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2016 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2015 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2014 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2013 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2012 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officer and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2010 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2009 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region Final Report
- FY2008 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2007 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2006 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- NWEC Global Seminar
- FY2024 NWEC Global Seminar: Gender Equality and Care
- FY2023 NWEC Global Seminar: Gender Mainstreaming & Strengthening Institutional Mechanism with Gender Perspective
- FY2022 NWEC Global Seminar: Does Digital Technology Advance Gender Equality?
- FY2021 NWEC Global Seminar: Combating Gender-Based Violence – “Building Back Better” from the Covid-19 Crisis
- FY2020 NWEC Global Seminar: Covid-19 and Gender
- FY2019 NWEC Global Seminar: Gender and Media
- FY2018 NWEC Global Seminar: Promotion of the Advancement of Women - What Japan can learn from Iceland about Gender Equality?
- FY2017 NWEC Global Seminar: Promotion for Advancement of Women Lessons from Germany
- FY2016 NWEC Global Seminar: Promotion for Advancement of Women –Lessons from Europe
- FY2015 International Symposium: Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
- FY2014 International Symposium: Keys to Diversity and Women's Leadership
- FY2013 NWEC International Symposium:Gender Equality for Men
- FY2012 NWEC International Symposium:To Make a Society without Violence against Women a Reality
- FY2011 NWEC International Symposium
- FY2010 International Forum for Women's Empowerment
- FY2009 International Forum for Women's Empowerment
- FY2008 International Forum for Women's Empowerment Final Report3
- FY2008 International Forum for Women's Empowerment Final Report2
- FY2008 International Forum for Women's Empowerment Final Report1
- Cooperation with JICA
- FY2024 Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Eradicating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)"
- FY2023 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2023 Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Eradicating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)"
- FY2022 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2022 Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Eradicating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)"
- FY2021 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2020 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2019 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2018 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- Issue-specific Training “Seminar on Promotiom of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- Basic Information-Gathering Survey/Workshop Seminar on the Economic Independence for Women in Central America and the Caribbean (El Salvador/Dominican Republic)
- Regional Gender Seminar in Central and South America
- 2015 Issue-specific Training "Seminar on Promotion of Networking among Asian Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons"
- Seminar on the Promotion of Education for Girls and Women II
- International Conference/International Exchange
- Visitor:JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP) on "Women's Empowerment through Business for Central American Integration System (SICA) Member Countries"
- The 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Visitor: Madam Sustjie Mbumba, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia
- Workshop of commemorating the donation of the Beate Shirota Gordon archive materials
- Meeting with Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)
- The Coalition of Finnish Women's Associations (NYTKIS) Secretary General Ms. KAKKOLA’s Courtesy Call to Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA
- The Coalition of Finnish Women's Associations (NYTKIS) Secretary General Ms. KAKKOLA’s Japan Visit Program
- The 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- NGO CSW67 Forum
- Webinar with Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)
- The 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (Hybrid format)
- Online meeting with international graduate students from the Appropriate Technology course at the University of Tsukuba
- The 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Lecture "The Beate Sirota Gordon Archives at Mills College"
- Participation in 2nd AGenT
- The 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Dr. Wang from National Taiwan University visits NWEC
- Japan Network of Women Engineers and Scientists and The Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering: 9th Japan Korea China Women Leaders Forum for Science & Technology
- Researcher from the KWDI visits NWEC
- Visit by a delegation from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ministry of National Defense
- Briefing on the Reykjavik Index for Leadership
- Women's Archives Center Exhibition "Beate Sirota Gordon and gender equality in Japanese Constitution"
- Visit from the Guangxi Women’s Federation
- Participation in the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- 7th Global Forum on Gender Statistics
- FY2018 International Symposium hosted by Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education “Gender Equality at Schools”
- Visit from All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF)
- Participation in the 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- The 14th KIGEPE International Symposium “Empowering Women’s Leadership: expanding influence and innovation”
- Participation in the 61st Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Visit from the Batis Center for Women
- 2011 Asia Women Eco-Science Forum (a forum of science and engineering leaders in Japan, China and Korea)
- The 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- The 59th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- The 58th Commission on the Status of Women
- The 57th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- International Symposium: Gender Awareness Education for Sustainable Development
- Thirtieth Anniversary Programs
- Attendance at the Ceremony Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)
- Japanese-Filipino children (JFC)* from the Philippines-based NGO “DAWN” visit the Center
- Visitors from Abroad to NWEC
- Research report on Multicultural Family Support in South Korea
- Workshop on Gender and Education: Life-long Learning for Women’s Empowerment
- Lecture Delivered by a Visiting Researcher
- Connections: Bringing Together the Next Generation of Women Leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding on Exchange and Cooperation with the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Royal Government of Cambodia
- Visit to Japan by the Minister of Women’s Affairs of the Royal Government of Cambodia
- KIGEPE Delegation Visit
- Officials of Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited NWEC
- The 56th Commission on the Status of Women
- Dr. Barker's visit
- Multidisciplinary Intellectual Exchange for Women Leaders from the United States, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines
- Courtesy visit to University of Hawai`i
- Delegation of Board for the Advancement of Women, Ministry of Finance of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited NWEC
- Visit Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI)
- Report on Participation in the 5th World Social Forum on Migration
- A group led by the Vice President of the Korean Women's Development Institute visited NWEC
- A disaster management specialist from India visits the Center
- Visit to the Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion & Education (KIGEPE) and others
- Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice, Kingdom of Cambodia visited NWEC
- Research conducted in the Republic of the Philippines
- Research on the Comparative Study of the Gender Equality Policy in Southeast Asian Countries in the Kingdom of Cambodia
- Ochanomizu University and A Canadian Women’s Study Researcher visited NWEC
- Aigyung Yang, Research Fellow and Former Director of Strategy Board for Women Friendly Policies of the Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI) Visits NWEC
- Delegation of the Ministry of Defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited NWEC
- Delegation from the Women and Development Center, of the Vietnam Women's Union, Visited NWEC
- The "7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Development and Gender" was held in Seoul, South Korea
- International Cooperation
- International Cooperation
- NWEC Global Seminar