
Women’s Lifelong Learning and Empowerment

Women’s Lifelong Learning and Empowerment


体裁 A4判
在庫 1
発行年月日 2004年06月30日
入手方法 研究国際室(rese@ml.nwec.go.jp)までお問い合わせください。
Table of Contents

〈Part I Introduction and Overview〉
1 An Outline of the Study
2 Characteristics of Lifelong Learning in the Four Countries
3 Lifelong Learning and Empowerment: from Comparison of Four Countries
4 Proposals on a Lifelong Learning Program for Women in Japan
〈Part II Country Reports〉


1-1 An Outline of Lifelong Learning in Japan
1-2 Lifelong Learning in Japan: Survey Results by Gender and Institution
1-3-1 Relations between Support and Empowerment
1-3-2 Female Learners at Women Centers


2-1 Lifelong Education in Korea
2-2 Lifelong Learning in Korea: Survey Results by Gender and Institution
2-3 Lifelong Learning and Empowerment in Korea
2-4 Comparative Analysis between Korea and Japan


3-1 An Outline of Lifelong Learning in Norway
3-2 Lifelong Learning in Norway: Survey Results by Gender and Institution
3-3 Adult Education - To Earn or To Learn?
3-4 Learning Opportunities Encouraging Women's Social Participation
- From A Comparision of Norway and Japan


4-1 An Outline of Lifelong Learning in U.S.A.
4-2 Educational Transformation, Empowerment and Lifelong Learning in SNR
4-3 The Experiences of Aduult Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,in USA
4-4 Non-traditional Student Success Factors: A Snapshot of an American Community College
4-5-1 Institutional Differences of Lifelong Learning in the United States and Japan
4-5-2 Support for Learning Activity and Achievement - From A Comparison of U.S. and Japan
4-5-3 Adult Learners' Participation in Higher Education in Japan and the United States: Opportunities and Barriers


Basic statistical data of Korea, Norway, Japan, and U.S.A.
Survey questionnaires