International Conference/International Exchange
- International Cooperation
- International Conference/International Exchange
- The 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (Hybrid format)
International Conference/International Exchange
The 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (Hybrid format)
Date:March 14 to 25, 2022
The sixty-sixth Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) was held from 14 to 25, 2022.
Overview of CSW66
With measures in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19, CSW66 was held in the United Nations Headquarters in New York in hybrid format. For the first time in three years, over 100 heads of state and ministerial government officials gathered at the UN for the Session. Focusing on the priority theme of ‘Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes’ and the review theme of ‘Women's economic empowerment in the changing world of work’ (Agreed conclusions of CSW61), ministerial round tables, interactive dialogues and interactive expert panels were held. This was the first time since an action plan was drawn up in 1987 that the CSW took up as independent themes climate change, the environment and disaster risk reduction from the perspective of gender.
The Opening Ceremony was held in the UN Headquarters
(Photo:UN Photo / Eskinder Debebe)
H.E. Ms. Mathu Joyini, Chair of the CSW66
(Photo:UN Photo / Eskinder Debebe)
Statements from the Government of Japan
From Japan, at the ministerial round table on the 15th and the general discussion on the 17th, NODA Seiko, Minister of State for Gender Equality and Minister in charge of Women’s Empowerment, gave a statement in the form of a video message. In her statement, she emphasized that if we are to achieve a disaster-resilient society, then it is essential that women participate proactively in the decision-making process for climate change, environment and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes, and that initiatives be enacted that give due consideration to the different needs of and impacts on men and women. She also spoke on various initiatives including the increased participation of women in meetings to determine important matters relating to disaster prevention in Japan. Further, in the interactive dialogue on ‘Harnessing COVID-19 recovery for gender equality and a sustainable future’ held on the 24th, HAYASHI Tomoko, Director-General of the Gender Equality Bureau of the Cabinet Office, spoke, noting that based on the experience, following on from the Great East Japan Earthquake, of incorporating women’s perspectives into disaster response, in dealing with Covid-19 too, it is important to implement measures from a women’s perspective, with a focus on the economic independence of women. She stressed that, looking to the ‘new normal’ of the post-Covid world, the Japanese government would do everything in its power to ensure that women and children in difficult circumstances would not be left behind.
Civil Society Events
Each year during the CSW session, lively reports and discussions are held on the subject of efforts by civil society organizations to improve the status of women. Usually, every day many events relating to the priority theme and review theme are held inside and outside the United Nations building, but this year all side events and parallel events took place virtually.
On the 16th, a side event, ‘Our Ethical Consciousness and Actions Change the World: Towards the Participation of all People in Environmental Issues’ was held, co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations and three Japanese women’s NGOs: JAWW (Japan Women’s Watch), The National Women’s Committee of the United Nations NGOs, The International Women’s Year Liaison Group (IWYLG). At the event, following opening video message by Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Women’s Empowerment, MORI Masako, panelists active in Japan and overseas presented reports on the importance of consumers taking action to select ethical, sustainable products and services; on a regional strategy for advancing towards ‘Zero-Waste Declaration’; on Education for Sustainable Development; and on ethical consumption and the economic empowerment of women as seen in the ‘One Village One Product’ project in Kirgizstan, a site of international cooperation.
Review Theme
At the CSW, topics discussed at previous CSW sessions are taken up as review themes, and their state of progress is gauged. This year, discussions were held on seven main policy areas for the economic empowerment of women, one of the agreed conclusions adopted at the sixty-first Session of the CSW. According to the report of the United Nations Secretary-General, while it was confirmed that there had been some progress towards implementation of the agreed conclusions by the Member States in the past five years, the gender gap and gender inequality remain deeply ingrained; unemployment and the increase in unpaid care work and domestic labor due to the impact of the spread of Covid-19 are putting women and girls under further threat, and the Member States were urged to undertake prompt investment and action.
Agreed Conclusions
At the CSW, the Economic and Social Council has determined that the results of discussions on the theme for that year should be summarized in the form of ‘Agreed Conclusions’. Discussions of the draft (zero draft) of the agreed conclusions took place over an extended period of time, and on the 25th agreed conclusions comprising 64 paragraphs and five resolutions/decisions were adopted.
At the closing ceremony on the 25th, Executive Director for UN Women, Ms. Sima Sami Bahous said that the agreed conclusions for the sixty-sixth Session were ‘historic’ in which the CSW for the first time addressed climate change, the environment and disaster risk reduction in reference to gender inequality. She urged the necessity of prompt action by Member States, United Nations agencies, civil society organizations and NGOs towards the upcoming Stockholm +50, COP27 and the High-level Political Forum. The agreed conclusions call for full and effective participation by women and girls in decision-making and equal leadership opportunities, and for the prompt prevention of and response to the rise in violence occurring in critical situations such as conflict and migration, as well as the punishment of perpetrators and the protection of victims. The document also mentions the increase in unpaid labor carried out by women under Covid-19 pandemic, throwing light on the importance of boosting the resilience of women and on inequality in care work. In addition, it also mentions the reinforcement of financial measures to combat climate change that take gender into account, in order to further accelerate the global agenda and action. At the CSW, discussions were also held on Methods of Work, and it was determined that at the next Session an Interactive Youth Dialogue on the priority theme would be held.
At this session of the CSW, many government representatives and civil society organizations expressed serious concern regarding the disproportionate impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on women and children, and appealed for the need for greater protection of women and girls to be included in the agreed conclusions.
NGO CSW66 NWEC Exhibit Booth
During the Session, the NGO CSW/NY, which has supported the participation of civil society organizations in the CSW, set up an online platform to enable the staging of parallel events by civil society organizations, the opening of exhibit booths and the sale of handmade goods. This year over 800 parallel events were held, including those events hosted by organizations from Japan.
The National Women’s Education Center (NWEC) also opened a virtual exhibit booth on this platform to distribute information. In addition to gender statistics materials showing the current state of gender equality in Japan, on the booth were posted video messages by Japanese gender experts aimed at CSW66 taking in the perspective of men, youth, international cooperation and disaster risk reduction. In addition, Open House events were held four times during the session, introducing the NWEC’s projects and its library and information services in Japan.
1 Message from NWEC President
2 Introduction of NWEC
3. Message from Japanese Gender Expert
Men's Actions toward a Gender Equal Society: Share, Care, and Fair
Futoshi Taga, Ph. D., Kansai University
4. Message from Japanese Gender Expert
JICA's Effort to Promote Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment
Ms. Katsura Miyazaki, Japan International Cooperation Agency
5. Message from Japanese Gender Expert
Gender Issues in Japan through a Menstrual Perspective
Ms. Ayumi Taniguchi, # Minna-no-seiri (everyone's periods)
6. Message from Japanese Gender Expert
Making Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy and Programs More Responsive
to Gender Equality
Ms. Atsuko Nonoguchi, Japan Women's Network for Disaster Risk Reduction
International Cooperation
- International Seminar
- FY2019 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2018 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2017 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2016 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Region
- FY2015 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2014 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2013 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2012 Seminar for Gender Equality Officers and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2011 Seminar for Gender Equality Officer and Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2010 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2009 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region Final Report
- FY2008 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2007 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- FY2006 Empowerment Seminar for Women Leaders in the Asia Pacific Region
- NWEC Global Seminar
- FY2023 NWEC Global Seminar: Gender Mainstreaming & Strengthening Institutional Mechanism with Gender Perspective
- FY2022 NWEC Global Seminar: Does Digital Technology Advance Gender Equality?
- FY2021 NWEC Global Seminar: Combating Gender-Based Violence – “Building Back Better” from the Covid-19 Crisis
- FY2020 NWEC Global Seminar: Covid-19 and Gender
- FY2019 NWEC Global Seminar: Gender and Media
- FY2018 NWEC Global Seminar: Promotion of the Advancement of Women - What Japan can learn from Iceland about Gender Equality?
- FY2017 NWEC Global Seminar: Promotion for Advancement of Women Lessons from Germany
- FY2016 NWEC Global Seminar: Promotion for Advancement of Women –Lessons from Europe
- FY2015 International Symposium: Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
- FY2014 International Symposium: Keys to Diversity and Women's Leadership
- FY2013 NWEC International Symposium:Gender Equality for Men
- FY2012 NWEC International Symposium:To Make a Society without Violence against Women a Reality
- FY2011 NWEC International Symposium
- FY2010 International Forum for Women's Empowerment
- FY2009 International Forum for Women's Empowerment
- FY2008 International Forum for Women's Empowerment Final Report3
- FY2008 International Forum for Women's Empowerment Final Report2
- FY2008 International Forum for Women's Empowerment Final Report1
- Cooperation with JICA
- FY2024 Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Eradicating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)"
- FY2023 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2023 Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Eradicating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)"
- FY2022 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2022 Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Eradicating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)"
- FY2021 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2020 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2019 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- FY2018 Knowledge Co-creation Program "Promotion of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- Issue-specific Training “Seminar on Promotiom of Networking among ASEAN Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons”
- Basic Information-Gathering Survey/Workshop Seminar on the Economic Independence for Women in Central America and the Caribbean (El Salvador/Dominican Republic)
- Regional Gender Seminar in Central and South America
- 2015 Issue-specific Training "Seminar on Promotion of Networking among Asian Countries on Anti-Trafficking in Persons"
- Seminar on the Promotion of Education for Girls and Women II
- International Conference/International Exchange
- The 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Visitor: Madam Sustjie Mbumba, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia
- Workshop of commemorating the donation of the Beate Shirota Gordon archive materials
- Meeting with Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)
- The Coalition of Finnish Women's Associations (NYTKIS) Secretary General Ms. KAKKOLA’s Courtesy Call to Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA
- The Coalition of Finnish Women's Associations (NYTKIS) Secretary General Ms. KAKKOLA’s Japan Visit Program
- The 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- NGO CSW67 Forum
- Webinar with Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)
- The 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (Hybrid format)
- Online meeting with international graduate students from the Appropriate Technology course at the University of Tsukuba
- The 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Lecture "The Beate Sirota Gordon Archives at Mills College"
- Participation in 2nd AGenT
- The 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Dr. Wang from National Taiwan University visits NWEC
- Japan Network of Women Engineers and Scientists and The Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering: 9th Japan Korea China Women Leaders Forum for Science & Technology
- Researcher from the KWDI visits NWEC
- Visit by a delegation from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ministry of National Defense
- Briefing on the Reykjavik Index for Leadership
- Women's Archives Center Exhibition "Beate Sirota Gordon and gender equality in Japanese Constitution"
- Visit from the Guangxi Women’s Federation
- Participation in the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- 7th Global Forum on Gender Statistics
- FY2018 International Symposium hosted by Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education “Gender Equality at Schools”
- Visit from All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF)
- Participation in the 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- The 14th KIGEPE International Symposium “Empowering Women’s Leadership: expanding influence and innovation”
- Participation in the 61st Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- Visit from the Batis Center for Women
- 2011 Asia Women Eco-Science Forum (a forum of science and engineering leaders in Japan, China and Korea)
- The 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- The 59th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- The 58th Commission on the Status of Women
- The 57th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- International Symposium: Gender Awareness Education for Sustainable Development
- Thirtieth Anniversary Programs
- Attendance at the Ceremony Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI)
- Japanese-Filipino children (JFC)* from the Philippines-based NGO “DAWN” visit the Center
- Visitors from Abroad to NWEC
- Research report on Multicultural Family Support in South Korea
- Workshop on Gender and Education: Life-long Learning for Women’s Empowerment
- Lecture Delivered by a Visiting Researcher
- Connections: Bringing Together the Next Generation of Women Leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding on Exchange and Cooperation with the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Royal Government of Cambodia
- Visit to Japan by the Minister of Women’s Affairs of the Royal Government of Cambodia
- KIGEPE Delegation Visit
- Officials of Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited NWEC
- The 56th Commission on the Status of Women
- Dr. Barker's visit
- Multidisciplinary Intellectual Exchange for Women Leaders from the United States, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines
- Courtesy visit to University of Hawai`i
- Delegation of Board for the Advancement of Women, Ministry of Finance of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited NWEC
- Visit Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI)
- Report on Participation in the 5th World Social Forum on Migration
- A group led by the Vice President of the Korean Women's Development Institute visited NWEC
- A disaster management specialist from India visits the Center
- Visit to the Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion & Education (KIGEPE) and others
- Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice, Kingdom of Cambodia visited NWEC
- Research conducted in the Republic of the Philippines
- Research on the Comparative Study of the Gender Equality Policy in Southeast Asian Countries in the Kingdom of Cambodia
- Ochanomizu University and A Canadian Women’s Study Researcher visited NWEC
- Aigyung Yang, Research Fellow and Former Director of Strategy Board for Women Friendly Policies of the Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI) Visits NWEC
- Delegation of the Ministry of Defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam visited NWEC
- Delegation from the Women and Development Center, of the Vietnam Women's Union, Visited NWEC
- The "7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Development and Gender" was held in Seoul, South Korea
- International Cooperation
- International Conference/International Exchange
- International Conference/International Exchange
- The 66th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (Hybrid format)