International Conference/International Exchange

International Conference/International Exchange


NGO CSW67 Forum

Date:March 6 to 17, 2023

NWEC has an online exhibit booth at NGO CSW67 from March 6 to 17, 2023.
Please register and visit our booth!

NWEC will host two events at the booth.

1. Gender Equality and Youth: Dialogue for Change on March 14 11:00-12:00 (JST)
Youth guest speakers from Japan will share their experiences on how they have realized gender norms in society through education and made changes by working with different stakeholders.
Topics will include Gender Based Violence, school rule reforms and awareness raising about menstruation.
This will be an interactive session, so please come join us with your questions and also share your unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities you have within your social change work in your country.

2. NWEC Virtual Open House on March 7, 9, and 16 (JST)
This Open House is for anyone who is interested in the activities of NWEC, and for exchanging information and networking.
Topics will include Gender-Based Violence and the role and function of women's centers and organizations in your country.

International Cooperation