International Conference/International Exchange

International Conference/International Exchange


Visit from All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF)

Date:December 11, 2018

On Tuesday, December 11, nine members of the All-China Women’s Federation of China, led by Ms. Li Yueyan, deputy director-general of the Woman’s Rights and Interests Department of the Federation, paid a visit to the National Women’s Education Center (NWEC). The group arrived in Japan on November 10 to exchange ideas and opinions about differentiated employment policies and employment security programs for women, as well as tax measures and bills to encourage women’s hiring and career advancement, based on “womenomic” planning.


Division specialist explained about NWEC and brief history of gender equality in Japan. This was followed by a presentation by the head of the Office of Research and International Affairs on the current status of issues relating to women and women’s school enrollment and education in Japan, as well as future actions relating to these issues.

During the question and answer session, the visiting members enthusiastically asked questions on topics such as the function that NWEC serves, men’s and women’s roles in Japan’s workforce, and collaboration within marriages on housework and child rearing chores. In addition, information was shared about the progress of gender equality in Japan, its current status, and the issues concerning women’s employment and education.


International Cooperation